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Эдмунд Спенсер (Edmund Spenser) (1552-1599)
Эдмунд Спенсер (Edmund Spenser)

Рейтинг популярности стихотворений поэта на сайте Английская поэзия
  1. Аморетти 62. Окончил путь усталый старый годAmoretti 62. The weary yeare his race now having run
  2. Аморетти 37. С таким коварством золото волосAmoretti 37. What guyle is this, that those her golden tresses
  3. Пастуший Календарь. Эклога 1. ЯнварьThe Shepheardes Calender. Ægloga 1. Ianuarye
  4. Аморетти 19. Лесной кукушки радостный рожокAmoretti 19. The merry cuckow, messenger of Spring
  5. Аморетти 30. Как пламень — я, любимая — как ледAmoretti 30. My Love is lyke to yse, and I to fyre
  6. Пастуший Календарь. Эклога 2. ФевральThe Shepheardes Calender. Ægloga 2. Februarie
  7. Аморетти 1. Блаженны вы, листки, когда в рукахAmoretti 1. Happy, ye leaves! when as those lilly hands
  8. Пастуший Календарь. Эклога 3. МартThe Shepheardes Calender. Ægloga 3. March
  9. Пастуший Календарь. Эклога 12. ДекабрьThe Shepheardes Calender. Ægloga 12. December
  10. Аморетти 54. В театре жизни ты, моя любовьAmoretti 54. Of this worlds theatre in which we stay
  11. Пастуший Календарь. Эклога 8. АвгустThe Shepheardes Calender. Ægloga 8. August
  12. Пастуший Календарь. Эклога 6. ИюньThe Shepheardes Calender. Ægloga 6. Iune
  13. Пастуший Календарь. Эклога 10. ОктябрьThe Shepheardes Calender. Ægloga 10. October
  14. Пастуший Календарь. Эклога 5. МайThe Shepheardes Calender. Ægloga 5. Maye
  15. Пастуший Календарь. Эклога 4. АпрельThe Shepheardes Calender. Ægloga 4. Aprill
  16. Пастуший Календарь. Эклога 9. СентябрьThe Shepheardes Calender. Ægloga 9. September
  17. Пастуший Календарь. Эклога 7. ИюльThe Shepheardes Calender. Ægloga 7. Iulye
  18. Пастуший Календарь. Эклога 11. НоябрьThe Shepheardes Calender. Ægloga 11. Nouember
  19. Аморетти 3. Свидетель мир, пристала похвалаAmoretti 3. The soverayne beauty which I doo admyre
  20. Amoretti 15. Ye tradefull Merchants, that, with weary toyle
  21. Poem 6. My loue is now awake out of her dreame
  22. Amoretti 40. Mark when she smiles with amiable cheare
  23. Poem 1. YE learned sisters which haue oftentimes
  24. And Is There Care in Heaven, and Is There Love
  25. Mutability
  26. Amoretti 66. To all those happy blessings which ye have
  27. Prothalamion
  28. Easter
  29. Amoretti 2. Unquiet thought! whom at the first I bred
  30. Amoretti 76. Fayre bosome! fraught with vertues richest tresure
  31. A Hymn in Honour of Beauty
  32. Amoretti 35. My hungry eyes, through greedy covetize
  33. Amoretti 84. The world, that cannot deeme of worthy things
  34. Аморетти 8. Не очи, нет, чудесные лучиAmoretti 8. More then most faire, full of the living fire
  35. Colin Clouts Come Home Againe
  36. So Let Us Love
  37. A Ditty
  38. Amoretti 6. Be nought dismayd that her unmoved mind
  39. Epithalamion
  40. Аморетти 7. Прекрасные глаза, как зеркалаAmoretti 7. Fayre eyes! the myrrour of my mazed hart
  41. Amoretti 72. Oft when my spirit doth spred her bolder winges
  42. Amoretti 74. Most happy letters! fram’d by skilfull trade
  43. A Hymne of Heavenly Love
  44. The Visions of Petrarch
  45. Astrophel
  46. Amoretti 53. The panther, knowing that his spotted hyde
  47. Amoretti 79. Men call you fayre, and you doe credit it
  48. Ruins of Rome, by Bellay
  49. Amoretti 17. The glorious pourtraict of that angels face
  50. Iambicum Trimetrum
  51. Amoretti 22. THis holy season, fit to fast and pray
  52. Amoretti 20. In vaine I seeke and sew to her for grace
  53. Amoretti 58. Weake is th’assurance that weake flesh reposeth
  54. The Tamed Deer
  55. Amoretti 81. Fayre is my Love, when her fayre golden haires
  56. Amoretti 70. Fresh Spring, the herald of loves mighty king
  57. Virgils Gnat
  58. Amoretti 56. Fayre ye be sure, but cruell and unkind
  59. Amoretti 50. Long languishing in double malady
  60. Amoretti 29. See! how the stubborne damzell doth deprave
  61. Amoretti 31. Ah! why hath Nature to so hard a hart
  62. Visions of the Worlds Vanitie
  63. Amoretti 60. They that in course of heavenly spheares are skild
  64. Amoretti 25. How long shall this lyke-dying lyfe endure
  65. Amoretti 48. Innocent paper! whom too cruell hand
  66. Amoretti 38. Arion, when, through tempests cruel wracke
  67. Amoretti 9. Long-while I sought to what I might compare
  68. Amoretti 85. Venemous tongue, tipt with vile adders sting
  69. Amoretti 27. Faire Proud! now tell me, why should faire be proud
  70. Amoretti 61. The glorious image of the Makers beautie
  71. Amoretti 71. I ioy to see how, in your drawen work
  72. Amoretti 51. Doe I not see that fayrest ymages
  73. Amoretti 83. Let not one sparke of filthy lustfull fyre
  74. Amoretti 44. When those renoumed noble peres of Greece
  75. Amoretti 52. So oft as homeward I from her depart
  76. Amoretti 33. Great wrong I doe, I can it not deny
  77. Amoretti 57. Sweet warriour! when shall I have peace with you?
  78. Amoretti 47. Trust not the treason of those smyling lookes
  79. Amoretti 24. When I behold that beauties wonderment
  80. Amoretti 42. The love which me so cruelly tormenteth
  81. Amoretti 75. One day I wrote her name upon the strand
  82. Amoretti 69. The famous warriors of the anticke world
  83. Amoretti 23. Penelope, for her Ulisses sake
  84. Amoretti 36. Tell me, when shall these wearie woes have end
  85. Amoretti 4. New yeare, forth looking out of Ianus gate
  86. Amoretti 21. Was it the worke of Nature or of Art
  87. Amoretti 64. Comming to kisse her lyps
  88. Amoretti 12. One day I sought with her hart-thrilling eies
  89. Amoretti 78. Lackyng my Love, I go from place to place
  90. Amoretti 10. Unrighteous Lord of love, what law is this
  91. Amoretti 14. Retourne agayne, my forces late dismayd
  92. Amoretti 45. Leave, Lady! in your glasse of cristall clene
  93. Amoretti 80. After so long a race as I have run
  94. Amoretti 88. Lyke as the culver on the bared bough
  95. Amoretti 16. One day as I unwarily did gaze
  96. Amoretti 87. Since I have lackt the comfort of that light
  97. Amoretti 67. Lyke as a huntsman, after weary chace
  98. Amoretti 41. Is it her nature, or is it her will
  99. Amoretti 34. Lyke as a ship, that through the ocean wyde
  100. Amoretti 65. The doubt which ye misdeeme, fayre Love, is vaine
  101. Amoretti 5. Then was the faire Dodonian tree far seene
  102. Amoretti 11. Dayly when I do seeke and sew for peace
  103. Amoretti 77. Was it a dreame, or did I see it playne?
  104. Amoretti 28. The laurel-leafe which you this day doe weare

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