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Edmund Spenser (Эдмунд Спенсер)

Amoretti 24. When I behold that beauties wonderment

When I behold that beauties wonderment,
And rare perfection of each goodly part,
Of Natures skill the onely complement,
I honor and admire the Makers art.
But when I feele the bitter balefull smart
Which her fayre eyes unwares doe worke in mee,
That death out of theyr shiny beames doe dart,
I thinke that I a new Pandora see,
Whom all the gods in councell did agree
Into this sinfull world from heaven to send,
That she to wicked men a scourge should bee,
For all their faults with which they did offend.
  But since ye are my scourge, I will intreat
  That for my faults ye will me gently beat. 

Edmund Spenser's other poems:
  1. Amoretti 80. After so long a race as I have run
  2. Amoretti 67. Lyke as a huntsman, after weary chace
  3. Amoretti 14. Retourne agayne, my forces late dismayd
  4. Amoretti 75. One day I wrote her name upon the strand
  5. Amoretti 64. Comming to kisse her lyps

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