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Edmund Spenser (Эдмунд Спенсер)

Amoretti 5. Then was the faire Dodonian tree far seene

Then was the faire Dodonian tree far seene
Upon seaven hills to spread his gladsome gleame,
And conquerours bedecked with his greene,
Along the bancks of the Ausonian streame.
There many an auncient trophee was addrest*,
And many a spoyle, and many a goodly show,
Which that brave races greatnes did attest,
That whilome from the Troyan blood did flow.
Ravisht I was so rare a thing to vew;
When lo! a barbarous troupe of clownish fone**
The honour of these noble boughs down threw:
Under the wedge I heard the tronck to grone;
  And since, I saw the roote in great disdaine
  A twinne of forked trees send forth againe.

[* Addrest, hung on, arranged.] 
[** Fone, foes.] 

Edmund Spenser's other poems:
  1. Amoretti 77. Was it a dreame, or did I see it playne?
  2. Amoretti 11. Dayly when I do seeke and sew for peace
  3. Amoretti 65. The doubt which ye misdeeme, fayre Love, is vaine
  4. Amoretti 28. The laurel-leafe which you this day doe weare
  5. Amoretti 34. Lyke as a ship, that through the ocean wyde

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