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Edmund Spenser (Эдмунд Спенсер)

Amoretti 38. Arion, when, through tempests cruel wracke

Arion, when, through tempests cruel wracke,
He forth was thrown into the greedy seas,
Through the sweet musick which his harp did make
Allur’d a dolphin him from death to ease.
But my rude musick, which was wont to please
Some dainty eares, cannot, with any skill,
The dreadfull tempest of her wrath appease,
Nor move the dolphin from her stubborn will.
But in her pride she dooth persever still,
All carelesse how my life for her decayes:
Yet with one word she can it save or spill.
To spill were pitty, but to save were prayse!
  Chuse rather to be praysd for doing good,
  Then to be blam’d for spilling guiltlesse blood. 

Edmund Spenser's other poems:
  1. Amoretti 80. After so long a race as I have run
  2. Amoretti 67. Lyke as a huntsman, after weary chace
  3. Amoretti 75. One day I wrote her name upon the strand
  4. Amoretti 10. Unrighteous Lord of love, what law is this
  5. Amoretti 14. Retourne agayne, my forces late dismayd

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