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Джон Пирпонт (John Pierpont) (1785-1866)
John Pierpont (Джон Пьерпон)

Рейтинг популярности стихотворений поэта на сайте Английская поэзия
  1. Begone Vile Rum
  2. To a Friend
  3. The Pilgrim Fathers
  4. My Child
  5. The Chain
  6. Drinking Song
  7. The Portrait
  8. Hymns for Ordination and Installation 1
  9. Airs of Palestine
  10. We Conquer or Die
  11. To My Grave
  12. Come All Ye Young Teetotallers
  13. Economy of Slavery
  14. The Garden of Gethsemane
  15. Awake, Awake, Take the Pledge
  16. Away with Melancholy
  17. Away the Bowl
  18. Christmas Hymn
  19. A Sister's Thoughts over a Brother's Grave
  20. Jingle Bells
  21. The Temperance Crew
  22. Death of Charles Follen
  23. Christian's Duty to Attempt the Salvation of Drunkards
  24. Warren's Address to the American Soldiers, Before the Battle of Bunker Hill
  25. I Would Not Live Always
  26. Temperance Song
  27. For the Album of Miss Caroline C---
  28. Plymouth Rock
  29. The Cold Water Army
  30. Evening Prayer for a Child
  31. News-Carrier's Address
  32. Farewell the Bowl
  33. Unchain the Laborer
  34. Her Chosen Spot
  35. The Ballot
  36. Come Sign the Vow!

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