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John Pierpont (Джон Пирпонт)

The Temperance Crew

Luff up, boys! clew up, and furl every sail;
Clear the cables-let all fly, and clew;
Though rocks are a-lee, she will laugh at the gale,
For our ship has a Temperance crew.

Tho' rocks are a-lee, she will laugh at the gale,
For our ship has a Temperance Crew.

We ask not 'grog courage,' so vaunted of yore;
Let it blow as it never yet blow!
To ride amidst breakers upon a lee shore
Is the vaunt of a Temperance Crew.

To ride amidst breakers upon a lee shore
Is the vaunt of a Temperance crew.

Down anchors-pay out-let her swing free and wide:
As our hearts, so our cables are true;
Like a sea bird she sits!-now she breasts the rough tide!
Hold on then, brave Temperance crew.

Like a sea bird she sits, as she breasts the rough tide!
Hold on then, brave Temperance crew.

Come, a bright, bright look-out. Hail each lull, or a pause
In the gale!-we have death in our view!
But may weather the squall-for in God and our cause
Is the trust of a Temperance crew.

But may weather the squall-for in God and our cause
Is the trust of a Temperance crew

Bear a hand-the storm lulls-and the tide sets off fast,
Ere again the wild hurricane brew,
Set her topsails, and slip-and the danger is past;
Then huzza for a Temperance crew.

Set her topsails, and slip,-and the danger is past;
Then huzza for a Temperance crew. 

John Pierpont's other poems:
  1. Come Sign the Vow!
  2. The Ballot
  3. Her Chosen Spot
  4. Unchain the Laborer
  5. Farewell the Bowl

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