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John Pierpont (Джон Пирпонт)

We Conquer or Die


The war drum is boasting prepare for the fight,
 The stern bigot Northman exults in his might,
Gird on your bright weapons your foemen are nigh,
 And this bo our watchword, "We conquer or die;"
 And this is our watchword, "We conquer or die."


The trumpet is sounding from mountain to shore,
 Your swords and your lancer must slumber no more,
Fling forth to the sunlight your banner on high,
 Inscribed with the watchword, "We conquer or die;"
 Inscribed with the watchword, "We conquer or die;"


Press forward undaunted, nor think of retreat,
 The enemy's host on the threshold to meet,
Strike firm, till the foeman before you shall fly
 Appalled by the watchword, "We conquer or die."
 Appalled by the watchword, "We conquer or die."


Go forth in the pathway our forefathers trod;
 We too fight for freedom, our Captain is God,
Their blood in our vains with the honors we vie;
 Their's too was the watchword, "We conquer or die."
 Their's too was the watchword, "We conquer or die."


We strike for the South: Mountain, Valley and Plain,
 For the South we will conquer, again and again,
Her day of salvation and triumph is nigh,
 Our's then be the watchword, "We conquer or die."
 Our's then be the watchword, "We conquer or die."

John Pierpont's other poems:
  1. Come Sign the Vow!
  2. The Ballot
  3. Her Chosen Spot
  4. Unchain the Laborer
  5. Farewell the Bowl

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