Джордж Поуп Моррис (George Pope Morris) (1802-1864)
 Рейтинг популярности стихотворений поэта на сайте Английская поэзия- Lines
- Poetry
- Woman
- The Origin of Yankee Doodle
- Lord of the Castle
- Thy Will Be Done
- Oh, Boatman, Haste!
- A Hero of the Revolution
- Funeral Hymn
- I'm with You Once Again
- The Main-Truck; or, A Leap for Life
- My Mother's Bible
- The Soldier's Welcome Home
- The Retort
- The Star of Love
- The Flag of Our Union
- Janet McRea
- The Sword and the Staff
- Thou Hast Woven the Spell
- King Cotton
- Bessy Bell
- The Land of Washington
- The Deserted Bride
- A Legend of the Mohawk
- The Day Is Now Dawning
- “The Dog-Star Rages”
- The Ball-Room Belle
- Life in the West
- Rosabel
- Land-Ho!
- Woodman, Spare That Tree!
- Song of Marion's Men
- O'er the Mountains
- Starlight Recollections
- Boat-Song
- Lady оf England
- The Tyrant Sway
- Wearies My Love?
- The Dream of Love
- Oh, Would That She Were Here!
- Rhyme and Reason
- Champions of Liberty
- We Were Boys Together
- The Croton Ode
- The Cottager's Welcome
- Fare Thee Well, Love
- The Chieftain's Daughter
- Lisette
Все стихотворения • All poems
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