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Джордж Поуп Моррис (George Pope Morris) (1802-1864)
George Pope Morris (Джордж Поуп Моррис)

Рейтинг популярности стихотворений поэта на сайте Английская поэзия
  1. Lines
  2. Poetry
  3. Woman
  4. The Origin of Yankee Doodle
  5. Lord of the Castle
  6. Thy Will Be Done
  7. Oh, Boatman, Haste!
  8. A Hero of the Revolution
  9. Funeral Hymn
  10. I'm with You Once Again
  11. The Main-Truck; or, A Leap for Life
  12. My Mother's Bible
  13. The Soldier's Welcome Home
  14. The Retort
  15. The Star of Love
  16. The Flag of Our Union
  17. Janet McRea
  18. The Sword and the Staff
  19. Thou Hast Woven the Spell
  20. King Cotton
  21. Bessy Bell
  22. The Land of Washington
  23. The Deserted Bride
  24. A Legend of the Mohawk
  25. The Day Is Now Dawning
  26. “The Dog-Star Rages”
  27. The Ball-Room Belle
  28. Life in the West
  29. Rosabel
  30. Land-Ho!
  31. Woodman, Spare That Tree!
  32. Song of Marion's Men
  33. O'er the Mountains
  34. Starlight Recollections
  35. Boat-Song
  36. Lady оf England
  37. The Tyrant Sway
  38. Wearies My Love?
  39. The Dream of Love
  40. Oh, Would That She Were Here!
  41. Rhyme and Reason
  42. Champions of Liberty
  43. We Were Boys Together
  44. The Croton Ode
  45. The Cottager's Welcome
  46. Fare Thee Well, Love
  47. The Chieftain's Daughter
  48. Lisette

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