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George Pope Morris (Джордж Поуп Моррис)

O'er the Mountains

Some spirit wafts our mountain lay—
          Hili ho! boys, hili ho!
To distant groves and glens away!
          Hili ho! boys, hili ho!
E'en so the tide of empire flows—
          Ho! boys, hili ho!
Rejoicing as it westward goes!
          Ho! boys, hili ho!
    To refresh our weary way
      Gush the crystal fountains,
    As a pilgrim band we stray
      Cheerly o'er the mountains.

The woodland rings with song and shout!
          Hili ho! boys, hili ho!
As though a fairy hunt were out!
          Hili ho! boys, hili ho!
E'en so the voice of woman cheers—
          Ho! boys, hili ho!
The hearts of hardy mountaineers!
          Ho! boys, hili ho!
    Like the glow of northern skies
      Mirrored in the fountains,
    Beams the love-light of fond eyes,
      As we cross the mountains.

George Pope Morris's other poems:
  1. The Chieftain's Daughter
  2. Lisette
  3. We Were Boys Together
  4. The Croton Ode
  5. The Cottager's Welcome

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