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George Pope Morris (Джордж Поуп Моррис)


When Love in myrtle shades reposed,
 His bow and darts behind him slung;
As dewey twilight round him closed,
 Lisette these numbers sung:
"O Love! thy sylvan bower
I'll fly while I've the power;
Thy primrose way leads maids where they
Love, honor, and obey!"

"Escape," the boy-god said, "is vain,"
 And shook the diamonds from his wings:
"I'll bind thee captive to my train,
 Fairest of earthy things!"
"Go, saucy archer, go!
I freedom's value know:
Begon, I pray—to none I'll say
Love, honor, and obey!"

"Speed, arrow, to thy mark!" he cried—
 Swift as a ray of light it flew!
Love spread his purple pinions wide,
 And faded from her view!
Joy filled that maiden's eyes—
Twin load-stars from the skies!—
And one bright day her lips DID say,
"Love, honor, and obey!"

George Pope Morris's other poems:
  1. The Chieftain's Daughter
  2. We Were Boys Together
  3. The Croton Ode
  4. The Cottager's Welcome
  5. Fare Thee Well, Love

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