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George Pope Morris (Джордж Поуп Моррис)

Lord of the Castle

'Lord of the castle! oh, where goest thou?
Why is the triumph of pride on thy brow?'
'Pilgrim, my bridal awaits me to-day,
Over the mountains away and away.'

'Flora in beauty and solitude roves,
List'ning for thee in the shade of the groves.'
'Pilgrim, I hasten her truth to repay,
Over the mountains away and away.'

'Guided by honor, how brilliant the road
Leading from cottage to castle abode!'
'Pilgrim, its dictates I learned to obey,
Over the mountains away and away.'

George Pope Morris's other poems:
  1. The Chieftain's Daughter
  2. Lisette
  3. The Cottager's Welcome
  4. Champions of Liberty
  5. We Were Boys Together

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