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George Pope Morris (Джордж Поуп Моррис)

The Flag of Our Union

"A song for our banner?"—The watchword recall
 Which gave the Republic her station:
"United we stand—divided we fall!"—
 It made and preserves us a nation!
The union of lakes—the union of lands—
 The union of States none can sever—
The union of hearts—the union of hands—
 And the Flag of the Union for ever
            And ever!
 The Flag of our Union for ever!

What God in his mercy and wisdom designed,
 And armed with his weapons of thunder,
Not all the earth's despots and factions combined
 Have the power to conquer or sunder!
The union of lakes—the union of lands—
 The union of states none can sever—
The union of hearts—the union of hands—
 And the Flag of the Union for ever
            And ever!
 The Flag of our Union for ever!

Oh, keep that flag flying!—The pride of the van!
 To all other nations display it!
The ladies for union are all to a—MAN!
 But not to the man who'd betray it.
Then the union of lakes—the union of lands—
 The union of states none can sever—
The union of hearts—the union of hands—
 And the Flag of the Union for ever
            And ever!
 The Flag of our Union for ever!

George Pope Morris's other poems:
  1. The Chieftain's Daughter
  2. Lisette
  3. We Were Boys Together
  4. The Croton Ode
  5. The Cottager's Welcome

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