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Матильда Блайнд (Mathilde Blind) (1841-1896)
Mathilde Blind (Матильда Блайнд) (1841-1896)

Рейтинг популярности стихотворений поэта на сайте Английская поэзия
  1. A Spring Song
  2. Cagnes
  3. Hope
  4. Beauty
  5. The Wind
  6. Brown Eyes
  7. Autumn Tints
  8. The Sleeping Beauty
  9. The Robin Redbreast
  10. Our Souls Have Touched Each Other
  11. A Parting
  12. Mystery of Mysteries
  13. On the Lighthouse at Antibes
  14. A Dream
  15. Christmas Eve
  16. The Songs of Summer
  17. The Red Sunsets, 1883 (The boding sky was charactered with cloud)
  18. The Music-Lesson
  19. The Sower
  20. To Hope
  21. Green Leaves and Sere
  22. Nirvana
  23. Cleave Thou the Waves
  24. Motherhood
  25. Manchester by Night
  26. Internal Firesides
  27. Ah, Yesterday Was Dark and Drear
  28. Haunted
  29. Scarabæus Sisyphus
  30. A Winter Landscape
  31. The New Proserpine
  32. The Hunter's Moon
  33. The Desert
  34. Despair
  35. The Torrent
  36. Sometimes I Wonder
  37. You Make the Sunshine of My Heart
  38. Reapers
  39. On a Forsaken Lark's Nest
  40. The Mystic's Vision
  41. Mourning Women
  42. April Rain
  43. In a Kentish Rose Garden
  44. I Planted a Rose Tree
  45. A Child's Fancy
  46. What Magic Is There
  47. Echoes of Spring
  48. The Passing Year
  49. Apple-Blossom
  50. In Spring
  51. Only a Smile
  52. On a Viola D'Amore
  53. O Moon
  54. A Highland Village
  55. Apple-Gathering
  56. A Fantasy
  57. Love-Trilogy
  58. Time's Shadow
  59. Rose D'Amour
  60. Your Looks Have Touched My Soul
  61. A Symbol
  62. Saving Love
  63. Once We Played
  64. Delight
  65. The Teamster
  66. Perfect Union

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