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Mathilde Blind (Матильда Блайнд)

Green Leaves and Sere

Three tall poplars beside the pool
  Shiver and moan in the gusty blast,
The carded clouds are blown like wool,
  And the yellowing leaves fly thick and fast.

The leaves, now driven before the blast,
  Now flung by fits on the curdling pool,
Are tossed heaven-high and dropped at last
  As if at the whim of a jabbering fool.

O leaves, once rustling green and cool!
  Two met here where one moans aghast
With wild heart heaving towards the past:
  Three tall poplars beside the pool.

Mathilde Blind's other poems:
  1. Song (Thou walkest with me as the spirit-light)
  2. I Planted a Rose Tree
  3. The Teamster
  4. You Make the Sunshine of My Heart
  5. On a Forsaken Lark's Nest

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