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Mathilde Blind (Матильда Блайнд)

The Songs of Summer

The songs of summer are over and past!
  The swallow's forsaken the dripping eaves;
  Ruined and black 'mid the sodden leaves
The nests are rudely swung in the blast:
  And ever the wind like a soul in pain
  Knocks and knocks at the window-pane.

The songs of summer are over and past!
  Woe's me for a music sweeter than theirs--
  The quick, light bound of a step on the stairs,
The greeting of lovers too sweet to last:
  And ever the wind like a soul in pain
  Knocks and knocks at the window-pane.

Mathilde Blind's other poems:
  1. Perfect Union
  2. The Teamster
  3. Your Looks Have Touched My Soul
  4. Once We Played
  5. Delight

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