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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Mathilde Blind (Матильда Блайнд)

Christmas Eve

Alone—with one fair star for company,
The loveliest star among the hosts of night,
While the grey tide ebbs with the ebbing light—
I pace along the darkening wintry sea.
Now round the yule-log and the glittering tree
Twinkling with festive tapers, eyes as bright
Sparkle with Christmas joys and young delight,
As each one gathers to his family.

But I—a waif on earth where'er I roam—
Uprooted with life's bleeding hopes and fears
From that one heart that was my heart's sole home,
Feel the old pang pierce through the severing years,
And as I think upon the years to come
That fair star trembles through my falling tears.

Mathilde Blind's other poems:
  1. Song (Thou walkest with me as the spirit-light)
  2. I Planted a Rose Tree
  3. The Teamster
  4. Rose D'Amour
  5. You Make the Sunshine of My Heart

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Christina Rossetti (Кристина Россетти) Christmas Eve ("CHRISTMAS hath darkness")
  • Madison Cawein (Мэдисон Кавейн) Christmas Eve ("Christmas Eve is here at last")

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