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Сидней Томпсон Добелл (Sydney Thompson Dobell) (1824-1874)
Сидней Томпсон Добелл (Sydney Thompson Dobell)

Рейтинг популярности стихотворений поэта на сайте Английская поэзия
  1. ВернисьReturn!
  2. An Autumn Mood
  3. An Evening Dream
  4. The Mother's Lesson
  5. A Hero's Grave
  6. America
  7. Snowdrops
  8. Alone
  9. A Health to the Queen
  10. The Sailor's Return
  11. Where Are You Poets?
  12. A Chanted Calendar
  13. Farewell
  14. Laus Deo
  15. Warning
  16. Desolate
  17. Voxpopuli
  18. The Recruit's Ball
  19. Isabel
  20. Tommy's Dead
  21. The Snowdrop in the Snow
  22. A Shower in War-Time
  23. The Milkmaid's Song
  24. Afloat and Ashore
  25. To the Same
  26. To Professor and Mrs. J.S. Blackie
  27. Cavalry Charge at Balaclava
  28. Lord Robert
  29. Crazed
  30. On a Recently Finished Statue
  31. New-Year's Eve
  32. Childless
  33. To the Tiber
  34. Jerusalem
  35. Woe Is Me
  36. To a Friend in Bereavement
  37. The Little Girl's Song
  38. At the Grave of a Spanish Friend
  39. Wind
  40. When the Rain Is on the Roof
  41. Esse Et Posse
  42. Keith of Ravelston
  43. The Common Grave
  44. John Bohun Martin
  45. Perhaps
  46. Sister to Sister
  47. The German Legion
  48. Daft Jean
  49. Mentana
  50. To an American Embassy
  51. The Wounded
  52. Home, Wounded
  53. Dedicatory
  54. The Orphan's Song
  55. The Harps of Heaven
  56. Liberty to M. Le Diplomate
  57. Dead-Maid's-Pool
  58. The Gaberlunzie's Walk
  59. Good-Night in War-Time
  60. Home in War-Time
  61. Austrian Alliance
  62. Lady Constance
  63. He Is Safe
  64. To James Y. Simpson
  65. For Charity's Sake
  66. The Captain's Wife
  67. A Musing on a Victory
  68. The Botanist's Vision
  69. The Market-Wife's Song
  70. A Statesman
  71. Czar Nicholas
  72. Under Especial Blessing
  73. On the Death of Mrs. Browning
  74. To the Authoress of
  75. To 1862
  76. Bayonet Song
  77. The Olive
  78. The Army Surgeon
  79. On Receiving a Book from Dante Rossetti

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