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Sydney Thompson Dobell (Сидней Томпсон Добелл)

On Receiving a Book from Dante Rossetti

Since he is Poet of whom gods ordain
Some most anthropic and perhuman act
Whereby his manhood shall so man his fact
That but his man of man is born again,
And since humanity is most humane,
Not at our pyramid's base, where we have tact
Of dust and supersurge the common tract
Of being, but up there, where form doth reign
To apex, let a Poet ask no fame
But that which, high o'er floods of Life and Death
From singing arks Ararat echoeth
To Ararat, and let him rather be,
Oh Poet, writ on yonder page by thee
Than hear what vulgar breath should make his world-wide name. 

Sydney Thompson Dobell's other poems:
  1. The Army Surgeon
  2. The Olive
  3. Bayonet Song
  4. Under Especial Blessing
  5. To the Authoress of

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