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Sydney Thompson Dobell (Сидней Томпсон Добелл)

Woe Is Me

Far in the cradling sky,
Dawn opes his baby eye,
Then I awake and cry,
Woe is me!

Morn, the young hunter gay,
Chases the shadows gray,
Then I go forth and say,
Woe is me!

Noon! drunk with oil and wine,
Tho' not a grief is thine,
Yet shalt thou shake with mine!
Woe is me!

Eve kneeleth sad and calm,
Bearing the martyr's palm;
I shriek above her psalm,
Woe is me!

Night, hid in her black hair
From eyes she cannot dare,
Lies loud with fierce despair;
Then I sit silent where
She cries from her dark lair
Woe is me! 

Sydney Thompson Dobell's other poems:
  1. On Receiving a Book from Dante Rossetti
  2. The Army Surgeon
  3. The Olive
  4. Bayonet Song
  5. Under Especial Blessing

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