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Sydney Thompson Dobell (Сидней Томпсон Добелл)

To an American Embassy

Since Sovereign Nature, at the happy best,
Is rightful and sole paragon of Art,
Who, tho' she but in part, and part by part,
Paints, carves, or sings the whole, is still possest
By thee, all thee, oh somewhere unconfest
Apollo! in the worlds of men who art
A man, and, with a human body and heart,
Lookest her visible truths, and livest the rest;
Surely that strategy was well design'd
Which, laying siege to Art's proud Capital,
Armed not, against her matchless pow'rs-that-be,
Music, Painting, Sculpture, Poetry,
But sent a living womanhood of all
To queen, by their own laws, the masters of mankind. 

Florence, 1866

Sydney Thompson Dobell's other poems:
  1. On Receiving a Book from Dante Rossetti
  2. The Army Surgeon
  3. The Olive
  4. Bayonet Song
  5. Under Especial Blessing

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