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Роберт Андерсон (Robert Anderson) (1770-1833)

Рейтинг популярности стихотворений поэта на сайте Английская поэзия
  1. Былые временаLang Seyne
  2. Spring
  3. Summer
  4. Peace
  5. Evening
  6. A Character
  7. Retirement
  8. The Village Gang
  9. A Lesson to Youth
  10. Will and Kate
  11. Ode to Sleep
  12. The Slave
  13. Madam Jane
  14. Farewell To Gilsland
  15. Carel Fair
  16. Sally Gray
  17. To Mary
  18. The Husband to Death
  19. To the Lark
  20. The Mountain Boy
  21. Mary
  22. A Reflection
  23. Lines, Written in Carrickfergus Jail
  24. Andrew’s Younger Dowter
  25. Uncle Wully
  26. Nanny Peal
  27. Enigma the First
  28. Lines to a Redbreast
  29. Dick Watters
  30. Burgh Races
  31. Epistle the First
  32. Ode to Care
  33. Jingle in the Glasses
  34. Feckless Wully
  35. Song 1. A Lassie and a Gill
  36. The Clay Daubin
  37. Mad Margery
  38. Young Susy
  39. Epitaph on Maria of the Cottage
  40. Epistle the Tenth
  41. The Happy Family
  42. Britannia’s Call

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