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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Дэвид Герберт Лоуренс (David Herbert Lawrence) (1885-1930)
Дэвид Герберт Лоуренс (David Herbert Lawrence)

Рейтинг популярности стихотворений поэта на сайте Английская поэзия
  1. Корабль смертиThe Ship of Death
  2. Self-Pity
  3. ЗеленьGreen
  4. Afternoon In School The Last Lesson
  5. Piano
  6. Craving For Spring
  7. Autumn Sunshine
  8. A Baby Asleep after Pain
  9. A Love Song
  10. Bavarian Gentians
  11. Dolor of Autumn
  12. A Winter's Tale
  13. Brother And Sister
  14. Whales Weep Not!
  15. Anxiety
  16. Beautiful Old Age
  17. If You are a Man
  18. Trust
  19. Grey Evening
  20. Kangaroo
  21. Thought
  22. Service of all the Dead
  23. Virgin Youth
  24. Sorrow
  25. Intimates
  26. Baby Tortoise
  27. Patience
  28. At the Window
  29. Drunk
  30. The Virgin Mother
  31. Dissolute
  32. A Youth Mowing
  33. Nothing To Save
  34. Willy Wet-Leg
  35. Worm Either Way
  36. Dreams Nascent
  37. The End
  38. Restlessness
  39. A Spiritual Woman
  40. Humming-Bird
  41. Reproach
  42. In A Boat
  43. Sickness
  44. A Baby Running Barefoot
  45. Listening
  46. Scent Of Irises
  47. Belief
  48. How Beastly the Bourgeois Is
  49. A Passing Bell
  50. Discipline
  51. Cruelty and Love
  52. New Year's Eve
  53. A Sane Revolution
  54. Firelight And Nightfall
  55. Liaison
  56. Conundrums
  57. Week-Night Service
  58. The Bride
  59. Birdcage Walk
  60. Brooding Grief
  61. Submergence
  62. Trees In The Garden
  63. Perfidy
  64. Eagle in New Mexico
  65. The Mosquito
  66. Meeting among the Mountains
  67. Giorno Dei Morti
  68. Bat
  69. Tortoise Shell
  70. Malade

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