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David Herbert Lawrence (Дэвид Герберт Лоуренс)

* * *

If you are a man, and believe in the destiny of mankind
then say to yourself: we will cease to care
about property and money and mechanical devices,
and open our consciousness to the deep, mysterious life
that we are now cut off from.

The machine shall be abolished from the earth again;
it is a mistake that mankind has made;
money shall cease to be, and property shall cease to perplex
and we will find the way to immediate contact with life
and with one another.

To know the moon as we have never known
yet she is knowable.
To know a man as we have never known
a man, as never yet a man was knowable, yet still shall be. 

David Herbert Lawrence's other poems:
  1. Tortoise Shell
  2. Malade
  3. Giorno Dei Morti
  4. Bat
  5. Birdcage Walk

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