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David Herbert Lawrence (Дэвид Герберт Лоуренс)

A Baby Asleep after Pain

As a drenched, drowned bee
Hangs numb and heavy from a bending flower,
So clings to me
My baby, her brown hair brushed with wet tears
And laid against her cheek;
Her soft white legs hanging heavily over my arm
Swinging heavily to my movements as I walk.
My sleeping baby hangs upon my life,
Like a burden she hangs on me.
She has always seemed so light,
But now she is wet with tears and numb with pain
Even her floating hair sinks heavily,
Reaching downwards;
As the wings of a drenched, drowned bee
Are a heaviness, and a weariness. 

David Herbert Lawrence's other poems:
  1. Tortoise Shell
  2. Malade
  3. Giorno Dei Morti
  4. The Mosquito
  5. Bat

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