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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Мэри Робинсон (Mary Robinson) (1757-1800)
Mary Robinson (Мэри Робинсон) (1757-1800)

Рейтинг популярности стихотворений поэта на сайте Английская поэзия
  1. Life
  2. London's Summer Morning
  3. Absence
  4. Morning
  5. The Negro Girl
  6. Stanzas
  7. Deborah’s Parrot, a Village Tale
  8. Sonnet 25. Can’st Thou Forget
  9. Sonnet 15. Now, Round My Favour’d Grot
  10. Sonnet 8. Why, Through Each Aching Vein
  11. Lewin and Gynneth
  12. Elegy to the Memory of Richard Boyle, Esq.
  13. Sonnet 35. What Means the Mist
  14. Ode to Despair
  15. Sonnet to the Memory of Miss Maria Linley
  16. Ode to Della Crusca
  17. Sonnet 10. Dang’rous to Hear
  18. Sonnet 18. Why Art Thou Chang’d?
  19. The Fortune-Teller, a Gypsy Tale
  20. Oberon to the Queen of the Fairies
  21. Sonnet 32. Blest As the Gods
  22. Lines Written on the Sea-Coast
  23. Monody to the Memory of Chatterton
  24. Lines to the Memory of Richard Boyle, Esq
  25. Sonnet 44. Here Droops the Muse
  26. Elegy on the Death of Lady Middleton
  27. Ode to Beauty
  28. Ode to Health
  29. Canzonet
  30. Ode to Eloquence
  31. Sonnet 7. Come, Reason, Come!
  32. Pastoral Stanzas
  33. Sonnet 5. O! How Can Love
  34. Sonnet to Evening
  35. The Shepherd's Dog
  36. Sonnet 2. High on a Rock
  37. Lines to Him Who Will Understand Them
  38. January, 1795
  39. Elegy to the Memory of David Garrick, Esq.
  40. Lines Written by the Side of a River
  41. Sonnet 3. Turn to Yon Vale Beneath
  42. Golfre, Gothic Swiss Tale
  43. Poor Marguerite
  44. Edmund’s Wedding
  45. Rinaldo to Laura Maria
  46. The Mistletoe
  47. Ode to Envy
  48. Sonnet 29. Farewell, Ye Tow’ring Cedars
  49. The Hermit of Mont-Blanc
  50. Male Fashions for 1799
  51. Sonnet 34. Venus! To Thee
  52. Sonnet 12. Now, O’er the Tesselated Pavement
  53. Sonnet 40. On the Low Margin
  54. Sonnet 21. Why Do I Live
  55. Sonnet 1. Favour’d by Heav’n
  56. Sonnet 24. O Thou! Meek Orb
  57. Sonnet 19. Farewell, Ye Coral Caves
  58. Sonnet 26. Where Antique Woods
  59. Stanzas Written under an Oak in Windsor Forest
  60. Ode to the Moon
  61. To Leonardo
  62. Sonnet 37. When, in the Gloomy Mansion
  63. The Alien Boy
  64. Cupid Sleeping
  65. To Simplicity
  66. Sonnet 17. Love Steals Unheeded
  67. Ode to the Muse
  68. Sonnet 30. O’er the Tall Cliff
  69. Stanzas Inscribed to Lady William Russell
  70. The Confessor, a Sanctified Tale
  71. Sonnet 11. O! Reason!
  72. Sonnet 43. While From the Dizzy Precipice
  73. The Poor Singing Dame
  74. Ode to Meditation
  75. Lines on Hearing it Declared that No Women Were So Handsome as the English
  76. Sonnet to Amicus
  77. Ainsi Va le Monde
  78. All Alone
  79. Sonnet to My Beloved Daughter
  80. The Widow’s Home
  81. Sonnet 41. Yes, I Will Go
  82. Sonnet 6. Is It to Love
  83. Ode to the Nightingale
  84. Lines inscribed to P. de Loutherbourg, Esq. R. A.
  85. To the Myrtle
  86. Stanzas to Love
  87. Sonnet 33. I Wake!
  88. The Haunted Beach
  89. Stanzas to Flora
  90. Sonnet 9. Ye, Who in Alleys Green
  91. Elegy to the Memory of Werter
  92. Echo to Him Who Complains
  93. Sonnet 42. Oh! Canst Thou Bear
  94. Sonnet 13. Bring, Brick to Deck My Brow
  95. Ode on Adversity
  96. The Adieu to Love
  97. Sonnet 39. Prepare Your Wreaths
  98. Mistress Gurton’s Cat
  99. Female Fashions for 1799
  100. Ode to Reflection
  101. Sonnet. Inscribed to Her Grace the Duchess of Devonshire
  102. Sonnet 27. Oh! Ye Bright Stars
  103. Sonnet 38. Oh Sigh
  104. The Fugitive
  105. The Trumpeter, an Old English Tale
  106. Sonnet 14. Come, Soft Aeolian Harp
  107. The Granny Grey, a Love Tale
  108. Sonnet 20. Oh! I Could Toil For Thee
  109. Stanzas to a Friend
  110. The Deserted Cottage
  111. The Lascar
  112. Sonnet 36. Lead Me, Sicilian Maids
  113. Ode to Melancholy
  114. Ode to Valour
  115. Sonnet 16. Delusive Hope
  116. Sonnet 28. Weak Is the Sophistry
  117. Stanzas to the Rose
  118. Stanzas to Time
  119. The Faded Bouquet
  120. The Reply to Time
  121. To Cesario
  122. Second Ode to the Nightingale
  123. Sonnet 4. Why, When I Gaze
  124. Sonnet 22. Wild Is the Foaming Sea
  125. To Rinaldo
  126. Sonnet 23. To Aetna’s Scorching Sands
  127. To the Muse of Poetry
  128. Sonnet 31. Far O’er the Waves
  129. The Bee and the Butterfly

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