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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Mary Robinson (Мэри Робинсон)

Sonnet 40. On the Low Margin

On the low margin of a murm’ring stream,
As rapt in meditation’s arms I lay;
Each aching sense in slumbers stole away,
While potent fancy form’d a soothing dream;
O’er the Leucadian deep, a dazzling beam
Shed the bland light of empyrean day!
But soon transparent shadows veil’d each ray,
While mystic visions sprang athwart the gleam!
Now to the heaving gulf they seem’d to bend,
And now across the sphery regions glide;
Now in mid-air, their dulcet voices blend,
”Awake! awake!” the restless phalanx cried,
”See ocean yawns the lover’s woes to end,
”Plunge the green wave, and bid thy griefs subside.”

Mary Robinson's other poems:
  1. To the Muse of Poetry
  2. Sonnet 31. Far O’er the Waves
  3. The Bee and the Butterfly
  4. The Lascar
  5. Sonnet 36. Lead Me, Sicilian Maids

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