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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Mary Robinson (Мэри Робинсон)


WHEN fragrant gales and summer show’rs
Call’d forth the sweetly scented flow’rs;
When ripen’d sheaves of golden grain,
Strew’d their rich treasures o’er the plain;
When the full grape did nectar yield,
In tepid drops of purple hue; 
When the thick grove, and thirsty field,
Drank the soft show’r and bloom’d a-new; 
O then my joyful heart did say, 
”Sure this is Nature’s Holy-day!” 

But when the yellow leaf did fade,
And every gentle flow’r decay’d;
When whistling winds, and drenching rain,
Swept with rude force the naked plain;
When o’er the desolated scene,
I saw the drifted snow descend; 
And sadness darken’d all the green,
And Nature’s triumphs seem’d to end; 
O! then, my mourning heart did say,
”Thus Youth shall vanish, Life decay.” 

When Beauty blooms, and Fortune smiles, 
And wealth the easy breast beguiles; 
When pleasure from her downy wings,
Her soft bewitching incense flings;
THEN, Friends look kind­and round the heart
The brightest flames of passion move,
False Flatt’ry’s soothing strains impart
The warmest Friendship­fondest Love;
But when capricious FORTUNE flies,
Then FRIENDSHIP fades;­and PASSION dies.

Mary Robinson's other poems:
  1. Mistress Gurton’s Cat
  2. Sonnet 14. Come, Soft Aeolian Harp
  3. Ode to Reflection
  4. The Bee and the Butterfly
  5. Sonnet 23. To Aetna’s Scorching Sands

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • George Byron (Джордж Байрон) Stanzas ("When a man hath no freedom to fight for at home") November 5, 1820
  • William Wordsworth (Уильям Вордсворт) Stanzas ("IF life were slumber on a bed of down")
  • Percy Shelley (Перси Шелли) Stanzas ("Away! the moor is dark beneath the moon") April, 1814
  • Emily Brontë (Эмили Бронте) Stanzas ("I'll not weep that thou art going to leave me")
  • Anne Brontë (Энн Бронте) Stanzas ("Oh, weep not, love! each tear that springs")
  • Charlotte Brontё (Шарлотта Бронте) Stanzas ("IF thou be in a lonely place")
  • Thomas Gent (Томас Гент) Stanzas ("Say, why is the stern eye averted with scorn")
  • Letitia Landon (Летиция Лэндон) Stanzas ("I do not weep that thou art laid")
  • Maria Jewsbury (Мария Джюсбери) Stanzas ("I SAW rich roses springing")
  • Laura Temple (Лаура Темпл) Stanzas ("Now brightly smiles the cloudless sky")

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