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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Robert Louis Stevenson (Роберт Льюис Стивенсон)


Farewell, and when forth
I through the Golden Gates to Golden Isles
Steer without smiling, through the sea of smiles,
Isle upon isle, in the seas of the south,
Isle upon island, sea upon sea,
Why should I sail, why should the breeze?
I have been young, and I have counted friends.
A hopeless sail I spread, too late, too late.
Why should I from isle to isle
Sail, a hopeless sailor?

Robert Louis Stevenson's other poems:
  1. Songs of Travel and Other Verses. 13. Mater Triumphans
  2. About the Sheltered Garden Ground
  3. Ad Piscatorem
  4. Voluntary
  5. To Sydney

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Sydney Dobell (Сидней Добелл) Farewell ("Can I see thee stand")
  • Anne Brontë (Энн Бронте) Farewell ("Farewell to thee! but not farewell")
  • Caroline Lamb (Каролина Лэм) Farewell ("Ah! frown not thus-nor turn from me")
  • Alice Dunbar-Nelson (Элис Данбар-Нельсон) Farewell ("Farewell, sweetheart, and again farewell")
  • James Lowell (Джеймс Лоуэлл) Farewell ("Farewell! as the bee round the blossom")

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