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Robert Louis Stevenson (Роберт Льюис Стивенсон)

Songs of Travel and Other Verses. 24. FAREWELL, fair day and fading light!

FAREWELL, fair day and fading light!
The clay-born here, with westward sight,
Marks the huge sun now downward soar.
Farewell. We twain shall meet no more.

Farewell. I watch with bursting sigh
My late contemned occasion die.
I linger useless in my tent:
Farewell, fair day, so foully spent!

Farewell, fair day. If any God
At all consider this poor clod,
He who the fair occasion sent
Prepared and placed the impediment.

Let him diviner vengeance take -
Give me to sleep, give me to wake
Girded and shod, and bid me play
The hero in the coming day!

Robert Louis Stevenson's other poems:
  1. Не взять мне в толк: переберуI Know Not How, But As I Count
  2. Songs of Travel and Other Verses. 13. Mater Triumphans
  3. About the Sheltered Garden Ground
  4. Light as the Linnet on My Way I Start
  5. Songs of Travel and Other Verses. 39. Tropic Rain

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