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Лукреция Мария Дэвидсон (Lucretia Maria Davidson) (1808-1825)
Lucretia Maria Davidson (Лукреция Мария Дэвидсон) (1808-1825)

Рейтинг популярности стихотворений поэта на сайте Английская поэзия
  1. Song of Twilight
  2. Byron
  3. On the Death of an Infant
  4. A Dream
  5. The Last Flower of the Garden
  6. Feats of Death
  7. The Star of Liberty
  8. The Tempest God
  9. Pleasure
  10. Woman’s Love
  11. On the Death of Queen Caroline
  12. The White Maid of the Rock
  13. Death
  14. A Song (Tell me not of joys departed)
  15. Ode to Fancy
  16. A View of Death
  17. America
  18. An Address to My Muse
  19. On the Crew of a Vessel, Who Were Found Dead at Sea
  20. My Last Farewell to My Harp
  21. An Acrostic
  22. Modesty
  23. The Army of Israel at the Foot of Mount Sinai
  24. The Parting of Decourcy and Wilhelmine
  25. To a Star
  26. Love, Joy, and Pleasure
  27. Lines, Written under the Promise of Reward
  28. On Reading a Fragment Called The Flower of the Forest
  29. The Blush
  30. Kindar Burial Service, Versified
  31. The Yellow Fever
  32. Headache
  33. A Song (Wha is it that caemeth sae blithe and sae swift)
  34. David and Jonathan
  35. To Mamma
  36. Alonzo and Imanel
  37. On the Birth of a Sister
  38. To a Departing Friend
  39. Morning Melody
  40. The Good Shepard

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