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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Lucretia Maria Davidson (Лукреция Мария Дэвидсон)


Written in her fifteenth year.

His faults were great, his virtues less,
His mind a burning lamp of Heaven;
His talents were bestowed to bless,
But were as vainly lost as given.

His was a harp of heavenly sound,
The numbers wild, and bold, and clear;
But ah! some demon, hovering round,
Tuned its sweet chords to Sin and Fear.

His was a mind of giant mould,
Which grasped at all beneath the skies;
And his, a heart, so icy cold,
That virtue in its recess dies.

Lucretia Maria Davidson's other poems:
  1. Morning Melody
  2. The Good Shepard
  3. To a Departing Friend
  4. Headache
  5. A Song (Wha is it that caemeth sae blithe and sae swift)

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Thomas Aird (Томас Эрд) Byron ("A sunburst of heaven")
  • Edmund Stedman (Эдмунд Стедман) Byron ("A hundred years, 't is writ,—O presage vain!") 1888
  • Joaquin (Cincinnatus Hiner) Miller (Хоакин (Цинциннат Хайнер) Миллер) Byron ("In men whom men condemn as ill")

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