Джеймс Томсон (James Thomson) (1700-1748)
Рейтинг популярности стихотворений поэта на сайте Английская поэзия- Правь, Британия! • Rule Britannia
- The Four Seasons. Spring
- К Фортуне • To Fortune
- Ода (Моя любовь, моя душа...) • Ode (Tell me, thou soul of her I love...)
- Gifts
- The Four Seasons. Autumn
- Приди ко мне, кумир желанья! • Come, Gentle God
- Waterfall
- Песня (Кумир желанья хитроватый...) • Song (One day the god of fond desire...)
- Spring Showers
- Summer
- A Summer Noon
- Evening in Summer
- Evening in Autumn
- Mists in Autumn
- In the Train
- Dawn in Summer
- An Elegy on Parting
- Rambles in Autumn
- On May
- To the Nightingale
- Scene Between May and June
- To Seraphina
- A Hymn
- Nothing Formed in Vain
- A Poem Sacred to the Memory of Sir Isaac Newton
- The Rainbow
- On Happiness
- Cattle in Summer
- Hymn on Solitude
- Verses on Receiving a Flower from His Mistress
- On Beauty
- The Vine
- Lines on Marle Field
- When Last We Parted
- The Effects of Spring on Nature
- Lavinia
- Verses Addressed to Amanda
- A Nuptial Song
- A Pastoral Entertainment
- Insects In Summer
- From Those Eternal Regions
- Farewell to Ravelrig
- Sheep-Sheering
- Death of the Stag
- To Myra
- Reflections Suggested by Winter
- A Complaint on the Miseries of Life
- Lisy's Parting with Her Cat
- On the Hoop
- The Four Seasons. Summer
- Hymn to God's Power
- Care of Birds for Their Young
- The Morning Lark
- Happiness of a Country Life
- On the Death of His Mother
- On a Country Life
- The Happy Man
- The Lover's Fate
Все стихотворения • All poems
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