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James Thomson (Джеймс Томсон)

On May

Among the changing months, May stands confest
The sweetest, and in fairest colours dressed!
Soft as the breeze that fans the smiling field;
Sweet as the breath that opening roses yield;
Fair as the colour lavish Nature paints
On virgin flowers free from unodorous taints! -
To rural scenes thou tempt'st the busy crowd,
Who, in each grove, thy praises sing aloud!
The blooming belles and shallow beaux, strange sight,
Turn nymphs and swains, and in their sports delight. 

James Thomson's other poems:
  1. The Lover's Fate
  2. On a Country Life
  3. To Myra
  4. Lavinia
  5. Lisy's Parting with Her Cat

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