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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Charles Heavysege (Чарльз Хевиседж)


'Tis solemn darkness; the sublime of shade;
Night, by no stars nor rising moon relieved;
The awful blank of nothingness arrayed,
O'er which my eye-balls roll in vain, deceived.
Upward, around, and downward I explore,
E'en to the frontiers of the ebon air,
But cannot, though I strive, discover more
Than what seems one huge cavern of despair.
Oh, Night, art thou so grim, when, black and bare
Of moonbeams, and no cloudlets to adorn,
Like a nude Ethiop 'twixt two houris fair,
Thou stand'st between the evening and the morn?
I took thee for an angel, but have wooed
A cacodaemon in mine ignorant mood.

Charles Heavysege's other poems:
  1. Secrets Of The Heart
  2. Childhood Alone Is Glad
  3. The Coming of Morn
  4. The Infinite
  5. Winter Night

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Anne Brontë (Энн Бронте) Night ("I love the silent hour of night")
  • William Morris (Уильям Моррис) Night ("I am Night: I bring again")
  • Thomas Aird (Томас Эрд) Night ("From sleepless work, and a ne'er-setting sun")
  • George Russell (Джордж Расселл) Night ("HEART-HIDDEN from the outer things I rose")
  • William Browne (Уильям Броун) Night ("Now great Hyperion left his golden throne")
  • Henry Longfellow (Генри Лонгфелло) Night ("Into the darkness and the hush of night")
  • Sidney Lanier (Сидни Ланьер) Night ("Fair is the wedded reign of Night and Day")
  • James Thomson (Джеймс Томсон) Night ("HE cried out through the night")
  • Jones Very (Джонс Вери) Night ("I thank thee, Father, that the night is near")
  • Ella Wilcox (Элла Уилкокс) Night ("As some dusk mother shields from all alarms")
  • Lucy Montgomery (Люси Монтгомери) Night ("A pale enchanted moon is sinking low")
  • Epes Sargent (Эпес Сарджент) Night ("But, oh! the night—the cool, luxurious night")
  • Ann Radcliffe (Анна Рэдклиф) Night ("Now Ev'ning fades! her pensive step retires")

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