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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Ella Wheeler Wilcox (Элла Уилкокс)


As some dusk mother shields from all alarms
   The tired child she gathers to her breast,
The brunette Night doth fold me in her arms,
   And hushes me to perfect peace and rest.
Her eyes of stars shine on me, and I hear
Her voice of winds low crooning on my ear.
O Night, O Night, how beautiful thou art!
Come, fold me closer to thy pulsing heart.

The day is full of gladness, and the light
   So beautifies the common outer things,
I only see with my external sight,
   And only hear the great world’s voice which rings.
But silently from daylight and from din
The sweet Night draws me-whispers, “Look within!”
And looking, as one wakened from a dream,
I see what is-no longer what doth seem.

The Night says, “Listen!” and upon my ear
   Revealed, as are the visions to my sight,
The voices known as “Beautiful” come near
   And whisper of the vastly Infinite.
Great, blue-eyed Truth, her sister Purity,
Their brother Honour, all converse with me,
And kiss my brow, and say, “Be brave of heart!”
O holy three! how beautiful thou art!

The Night says, “Child, sleep that thou may’st arise
   Strong for to-morrow’s struggle.” And I feel
Her shadowy fingers pressing on my eyes:
   Like thistledown I float to the Ideal-
The Slumberland, made beautiful and bright
As death, by dreams of loved ones gone from sight,
O food for souls, sweet dreams of pure delight,
How beautiful the holy hours of Night!

Ella Wheeler Wilcox's other poems:
  1. Be Not Attached
  2. The Bed
  3. The Black Charger
  4. Bleak Weather
  5. Conquest

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Anne Brontë (Энн Бронте) Night ("I love the silent hour of night")
  • William Morris (Уильям Моррис) Night ("I am Night: I bring again")
  • Thomas Aird (Томас Эрд) Night ("From sleepless work, and a ne'er-setting sun")
  • George Russell (Джордж Расселл) Night ("HEART-HIDDEN from the outer things I rose")
  • William Browne (Уильям Броун) Night ("Now great Hyperion left his golden throne")
  • Henry Longfellow (Генри Лонгфелло) Night ("Into the darkness and the hush of night")
  • Charles Heavysege (Чарльз Хевиседж) Night ("'Tis solemn darkness; the sublime of shade")
  • Sidney Lanier (Сидни Ланьер) Night ("Fair is the wedded reign of Night and Day")
  • James Thomson (Джеймс Томсон) Night ("HE cried out through the night")
  • Jones Very (Джонс Вери) Night ("I thank thee, Father, that the night is near")
  • Lucy Montgomery (Люси Монтгомери) Night ("A pale enchanted moon is sinking low")
  • Epes Sargent (Эпес Сарджент) Night ("But, oh! the night—the cool, luxurious night")
  • Ann Radcliffe (Анна Рэдклиф) Night ("Now Ev'ning fades! her pensive step retires")

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