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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Wilfred Owen (Уилфред Оуэн)


I have been urged by earnest violins
And drunk their mellow sorrows to the slake
Of all my sorrows and my thirsting sins.
My heart has beaten for a brave drum's sake.
Huge chords have wrought me mighty: I have hurled
Thuds of gods' thunder. And with old winds pondered
Over the curse of this chaotic world,-
With low lost winds that maundered as they wandered.

I have been gay with trivial fifes that laugh;
And songs more sweet than possible things are sweet;
And gongs, and oboes. Yet I guessed not half
Life's symphony till I had made hearts beat,
And touched Love's body into trembling cries,
And blown my love's lips into laughs and sighs. 

Wilfred Owen's other poems:
  1. The Chances
  2. Training
  3. Le Christianisme
  4. The Roads Also
  5. With An Identity Disc

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Percy Shelley (Перси Шелли) Music ("I pant for the music which is divine")
  • William Bowles (Уильям Боулз) Music ("O harmony! thou tenderest nurse of pain")
  • Henry White (Генри Уайт) Music ("Music, all powerful o'er the human mind")
  • John Cheney (Джон Чини) Music ("Take of the maiden's and the mother's sigh")
  • Amy Lowell (Эми Лоуэлл) Music ("The neighbour sits in his window and plays the flute")
  • James Lowell (Джеймс Лоуэлл) Music ("I seem to lie with drooping eyes")
  • Henry Van Dyke (Генри Ван Дайк) Music ("Daughter of Psyche, pledge of that last night")
  • Stephen Benet (Стивен Бене) Music ("My friend went to the piano; spun the stool")
  • Alice Corbin Henderson (Элис Корбин Хендерсон) Music ("The old songs Die")

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