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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Amy Lowell (Эми Лоуэлл)


The neighbour sits in his window and plays the flute.
From my bed I can hear him,
And the round notes flutter and tap about the room,
And hit against each other,
Blurring to unexpected chords.
It is very beautiful,
With the little flute-notes all about me,
In the darkness.
In the daytime,
The neighbour eats bread and onions with one hand
And copies music with the other.
He is fat and has a bald head,
So I do not look at him,
But run quickly past his window.
There is always the sky to look at,
Or the water in the well!
But when night comes and he plays his flute,
I think of him as a young man,
With gold seals hanging from his watch,
And a blue coat with silver buttons.
As I lie in my bed
The flute-notes push against my ears and lips,
And I go to sleep, dreaming.

Amy Lowell's other poems:
  1. The Paper Windmill
  2. The Bungler
  3. The Crescent Moon
  4. The Cross-Roads
  5. The Matrix

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Percy Shelley (Перси Шелли) Music ("I pant for the music which is divine")
  • Wilfred Owen (Уилфред Оуэн) Music ("I have been urged by earnest violins")
  • William Bowles (Уильям Боулз) Music ("O harmony! thou tenderest nurse of pain")
  • Henry White (Генри Уайт) Music ("Music, all powerful o'er the human mind")
  • John Cheney (Джон Чини) Music ("Take of the maiden's and the mother's sigh")
  • James Lowell (Джеймс Лоуэлл) Music ("I seem to lie with drooping eyes")
  • Henry Van Dyke (Генри Ван Дайк) Music ("Daughter of Psyche, pledge of that last night")
  • Stephen Benet (Стивен Бене) Music ("My friend went to the piano; spun the stool")
  • Alice Corbin Henderson (Элис Корбин Хендерсон) Music ("The old songs Die")

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