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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Stephen Vincent Benet (Стивен Винсент Бене)


My friend went to the piano; spun the stool 
A little higher; left his pipe to cool; 
Picked up a fat green volume from the chest; 
And propped it open. 
Whitely without rest, 
His fingers swept the keys that flashed like swords, 
. . . And to the brute drums of barbarian hordes, 
Roaring and thunderous and weapon-bare, 
An army stormed the bastions of the air! 
Dreadful with banners, fire to slay and parch, 
Marching together as the lightnings march, 
And swift as storm-clouds. Brazen helms and cars 
Clanged to a fierce resurgence of old wars 
Above the screaming horns. In state they passed, 
Trampling and splendid on and sought the vast -- 
Rending the darkness like a leaping knife, 
The flame, the noble pageant of our life! 
The burning seal that stamps man’s high indenture 
To vain attempt and most forlorn adventure; 
Romance, and purple seas, and toppling towns, 
And the wind’s valiance crying o’er the downs; 
That nerves the silly hand, the feeble brain, 
From the loose net of words to deeds again 
And to all courage! Perilous and sharp 
The last chord shook me as wind shakes a harp! 
. . . And my friend swung round on his stool, and from gods we were men, 
”How pretty!” we said; and went on with our talk again.

Stephen Vincent Benet's other poems:
  1. The City Revisited
  2. Winged Man
  3. The White Peacock
  4. Portrait of a Boy
  5. Poor Devil!

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Percy Shelley (Перси Шелли) Music ("I pant for the music which is divine")
  • Wilfred Owen (Уилфред Оуэн) Music ("I have been urged by earnest violins")
  • William Bowles (Уильям Боулз) Music ("O harmony! thou tenderest nurse of pain")
  • Henry White (Генри Уайт) Music ("Music, all powerful o'er the human mind")
  • John Cheney (Джон Чини) Music ("Take of the maiden's and the mother's sigh")
  • Amy Lowell (Эми Лоуэлл) Music ("The neighbour sits in his window and plays the flute")
  • James Lowell (Джеймс Лоуэлл) Music ("I seem to lie with drooping eyes")
  • Henry Van Dyke (Генри Ван Дайк) Music ("Daughter of Psyche, pledge of that last night")
  • Alice Corbin Henderson (Элис Корбин Хендерсон) Music ("The old songs Die")

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