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James Joyce (Джеймс Джойс)

Chamber Music. 31. O, It Was Out by Donnycarney

O, it was out by Donnycarney
    When the bat flew from tree to tree
My love and I did walk together;
    And sweet were the words she said to me.

Along with us the summer wind
    Went murmuring—O, happily!—
But softer than the breath of summer
    Was the kiss she gave to me.

James Joyce's other poems:
  1. Chamber Music. 27. Though I Thy Mithridates Were
  2. Chamber Music. 14. My Dove, My Beautiful One
  3. Chamber Music. 23. This Heart That Flutters Near My Heart
  4. Tutto
  5. Chamber Music. 7. My Love Is in a Light Attire

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