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James Joyce (Джеймс Джойс)

Chamber Music. 27. Though I Thy Mithridates Were

Though I thy Mithridates were,
    Framed to defy the poison-dart,
Yet must thou fold me unaware
    To know the rapture of thy heart,
And I but render and confess
The malice of thy tenderness.

For elegant and antique phrase,
    Dearest, my lips wax all too wise;
Nor have I known a love whose praise
    Our piping poets solemnize,
Neither a love where may not be
Ever so little falsity.

James Joyce's other poems:
  1. Chamber Music. 14. My Dove, My Beautiful One
  2. Chamber Music. 23. This Heart That Flutters Near My Heart
  3. Tutto
  4. Chamber Music. 7. My Love Is in a Light Attire
  5. Chamber Music. 33. Now, O Now, in This Brown Land

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