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James Joyce (Джеймс Джойс)

Chamber Music. 23. This Heart That Flutters Near My Heart

This heart that flutters near my heart
    My hope and all my riches is,
Unhappy when we draw apart
    And happy between kiss and kiss;
My hope and all my riches—yes!—
And all my happiness.

For there, as in some mossy nest
    The wrens will divers treasures keep,
I laid those treasures I possessed
    Ere that mine eyes had learned to weep.
Shall we not be as wise as they
Though love live but a day? 

James Joyce's other poems:
  1. Chamber Music. 27. Though I Thy Mithridates Were
  2. Chamber Music. 14. My Dove, My Beautiful One
  3. Tutto
  4. Chamber Music. 7. My Love Is in a Light Attire
  5. Chamber Music. 33. Now, O Now, in This Brown Land

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