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Thomas Hood (1799-1845)
Thomas Hood

The Rating of Thomas Hood's Poems

  1. The Song of the Shirt
  2. No!
  3. To a False Friend
  4. Autumn (The Autumn skies are flushed with gold)
  5. The Pauper’s Christmas Carol
  6. Gold!
  7. The Death Bed
  8. Christmas Holidays
  9. Farewell, Life! My Senses Swim
  10. Silence
  11. The Exile
  12. The Cigar
  13. To an Absentee
  14. Pair’d Not Match’d
  15. Change of Ministry
  16. Epigram
  17. Jack Hall
  18. The Workhouse Clock
  19. The Bachelor’s Dream
  20. On Lieutenant Eyre’s Narrative of the Disasters at Cabul
  21. Autumn (I Saw old Autumn in the misty morn)
  22. Heart-Springs
  23. On the Statues in Trafalgar Square
  24. Reflections on a New Year’s Day
  25. Lear
  26. Punishment of Suicides
  27. On a Certain Equestrian Statue at the Royal Exchange
  28. On Athol Brose
  29. Midnight
  30. I Love Thee
  31. Ode to Melancholy
  32. Faithless Nelly Gray
  33. Past and Present
  34. Sonnet to My Wife
  35. The Forsaken
  36. Lines
  37. The Haunted House
  38. Sonnet (Love, dearest Lady, such as I would speak)
  39. The Dream Fairy
  40. Fair Ines
  41. Death
  42. The Bridge of Sighs
  43. Ode to the Moon
  44. Allegory
  45. A Lake and a Fairy Boat
  46. Time of Roses
  47. To a Sleeping Child
  48. Ruth
  49. Serenade
  50. Autumn (The Autumn is old)
  51. Hymn to the Sun
  52. Anticipation
  53. To Hope
  54. To a Cold Beauty
  55. A Parental Ode to My Son, Aged 3 Years and 5 months
  56. Time, Hope and Memory
  57. A Retrospective Review
  58. Faithless Sally Brown
  59. The Lost Heir
  60. To an Enthusiast
  61. The Water Lady
  62. Stanzas (Still glides the gentle streamlet on)
  63. Flowers
  64. Sonnet to Ocean
  65. Birthday Verses
  66. My Heart Is Sick with Longing
  67. Song (There is dew for the flow'ret)
  68. Song (O Lady, leave thy silken thread)
  69. Verses in an Album
  70. Ballad (Sigh on, sad heart, for Love's eclipse)
  71. False Poets and True
  72. To ---
  73. The Dream of Eugene Aram
  74. In Rotterdam
  75. Sonnet on Receiving a Gift
  76. The Lee Shore
  77. Lines on Seeing My Wife and Two Children Sleeping in the Same Chamber
  78. Ballad (Spring it is cheery)
  79. To a Child Embracing His Mother
  80. To Fancy
  81. The World Is with Me
  82. The Plea of the Midsummer Fairies
  83. Hero and Leander
  84. Written in Keats' “Endymion”
  85. The Poet's Portion
  86. Sonnet (How bravely Autumn paints upon the sky)
  87. The Two Swans
  88. Sonnet for the 14th of February
  89. Sonnet (By ev'ry sweet tradition of true hearts)
  90. Stanzas (Is there a bitter pang for love removed)
  91. To My Daughter on Her Birthday
  92. Ballad (She's up and gone, the graceless girl)
  93. The Boy at the Nore
  94. The Two Peacocks of Bedfont
  95. Ode on a Distant Prospect of Clapham Academy
  96. The Departure of Summer
  97. Song (The stars are with the voyager)

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