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Poem by Bayard Taylor


NOW the days are brief and drear:
Naked lies the new-born Year
In his cradle of the snow,
And the winds unbridled blow,
And the skies hang dark and low, --
For the Summers come and go.

Leave the clashing cymbals mute!
Pipe no more the happy flute!
Sing no more that dancing rhyme
Of the rose's harvest-time; --
Sing a requiem, sad and low:
For the Summers come and go.

Where is Youth? He strayed away
Through the meadow-flowers of May.
Where is Love? The leaves that fell
From his trysting-bower, can tell.
Wisdom stays, sedate and slow,
And the Summers come and go.

Yet a few more years to run,
Wheeling round in gloom and sun:
Other raptures, other woes, --
Toil alternate with Repose:
Then to sleep where daisies grow,
While the Summers come and go.

Bayard Taylor

Bayard Taylor's other poems:
  1. The Return of the Goddess
  2. Gettysburg Ode
  3. America to Iceland
  4. To M. T.
  5. Storm Song

Poems of the other poets with the same name:

  • Percy Shelley Song ("Rarely, rarely, comest thou")
  • Samuel Johnson Song ("Not the soft sighs of vernal gales")
  • Charlotte Mew Song ("Love love to-day, my dear")
  • John Davidson Song ("THE boat is chafing at our long delay")
  • Bryan Procter Song ("Here's a health to thee, Mary")
  • George Crabbe Song ("Cease to bid me not to sing")
  • Mary Montagu Song ("How happy is the harden'd heart")
  • George Etherege Song ("LADIES, though to your conquering eyes")
  • Edith Nesbit Song ("NOW the Spring is waking")
  • Mary Chudleigh Song ("Why, Damon, why, why, why so pressing?")
  • Edgar Poe Song ("I saw thee on thy bridal day") 1827
  • Aphra Behn Song ("O Love! that stronger art than wine")
  • Emma Lazarus Song ("Frosty lies the winter-landscape")
  • Amy Lowell Song ("Oh! To be a flower")
  • Isaac Bickerstaffe Song ("How happy were my days, till now")
  • Hilaire Belloc Song ("Inviting the influence of a young lady upon the opening year")
  • George Lyttelton Song ("When Delia on the plain appears") 1732
  • Philip Massinger Song ("Why art thou slow, thou rest of trouble, Death")
  • Elinor Wylie Song ("It is my thoughts that colour")
  • Richard Sheridan Song ("Here’s to the maiden of bashful fifteen")
  • Anna Seward Song ("FROM thy waves, stormy Llannon, I fly")
  • Aubrey De Vere Song ("HIS war-horse beats a distant bourne")
  • Maria Lowell Song ("O BIRD, thou dartest to the sun")
  • William Monkhouse Song ("WHO calls me bold because I won my love")

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