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Мэтью Арнольд (Matthew Arnold) (1822-1888)
Мэтью Арнолд (Matthew Arnold)

Рейтинг популярности стихотворений поэта на сайте Английская поэзия
  1. A Dream
  2. A Summer Night
  3. East London
  4. West London
  5. Дуврский берегDover Beach
  6. A Wish
  7. To a Friend
  8. Desire
  9. Human Life
  10. Longing
  11. ГрядущееThe Future
  12. Absence
  13. Too Late
  14. Morality
  15. The Voice
  16. Последнее словоThe Last Word
  17. Growing Old
  18. ШекспирShakespeare
  19. Youth and Calm
  20. Thyrsis a Monody
  21. Kaiser Dead
  22. Austerity of Poetry
  23. Bacchanalia
  24. The Strayed Reveller
  25. From the Hymn of Empedocles
  26. Lines Written in Kensington Gardens
  27. Immortality
  28. Apollo Musagetes
  29. Obermann Once More
  30. The Buried Life
  31. The Scholar-Gipsy
  32. The Better Part
  33. Consolation
  34. Memorial Verses
  35. The Charge
  36. The Forsaken Merman
  37. ПалладийPalladium
  38. Hayeswater
  39. Youth's Agitations
  40. Philomela
  41. Cadmus and Harmonia
  42. Isolation: To Marguerite
  43. The Song of Empedocles
  44. To a Republican Friend, 1848
  45. Geist's Grave
  46. Worldly Place
  47. Revolutions
  48. Mycerinus
  49. Self-Dependence
  50. Saint Brandan
  51. К МаргаритеTo Marguerite: Continued
  52. The Good Shepherd with the Kid
  53. Requiescat
  54. East and West
  55. Religious Isolation
  56. A Picture at Newstead
  57. Calais Sands
  58. Quiet Work
  59. Rachel
  60. “In Harmony with Nature”
  61. Written in Emerson’s Essays
  62. Written in Butler’s Sermons
  63. The Church of Brou
  64. Stanzas Composed at Carnac
  65. Heine’s Grave
  66. Stanzas from the Grande Chartreuse
  67. To the Duke of Wellington
  68. To George Cruikshank

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