Мэтью Арнольд (Matthew Arnold) (1822-1888)
Рейтинг популярности стихотворений поэта на сайте Английская поэзия- A Dream
- A Summer Night
- East London
- Дуврский берег • Dover Beach
- West London
- A Wish
- To a Friend
- Human Life
- Desire
- Грядущее • The Future
- Longing
- Последнее слово • The Last Word
- Absence
- Шекспир • Shakespeare
- Morality
- Too Late
- The Voice
- Growing Old
- Thyrsis a Monody
- Youth and Calm
- Austerity of Poetry
- Kaiser Dead
- Bacchanalia
- The Buried Life
- Immortality
- Lines Written in Kensington Gardens
- The Strayed Reveller
- From the Hymn of Empedocles
- Палладий • Palladium
- Apollo Musagetes
- The Forsaken Merman
- The Scholar-Gipsy
- Obermann Once More
- Consolation
- The Better Part
- The Charge
- Memorial Verses
- Philomela
- Youth's Agitations
- Hayeswater
- Cadmus and Harmonia
- К Маргарите • To Marguerite: Continued
- The Song of Empedocles
- Isolation: To Marguerite
- To a Republican Friend, 1848
- Mycerinus
- Revolutions
- Geist's Grave
- Worldly Place
- Saint Brandan
- Self-Dependence
- The Good Shepherd with the Kid
- Requiescat
- East and West
- A Picture at Newstead
- Rachel
- Calais Sands
- Written in Butler’s Sermons
- To the Duke of Wellington
- “In Harmony with Nature”
- Heine’s Grave
- Religious Isolation
- Stanzas Composed at Carnac
- Written in Emerson’s Essays
- The Church of Brou
- Quiet Work
- To George Cruikshank
- Stanzas from the Grande Chartreuse
- A Modern Sappho
Все стихотворения • All poems
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