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Фрэнсис Томпсон (Francis Thompson) (1859-1907)
Фрэнсис Томпсон (Francis Thompson)

Рейтинг популярности стихотворений поэта на сайте Английская поэзия
  1. The Hound of Heaven
  2. The Mistress of Vision
  3. To a Snowflake
  4. In No Strange Land
  5. Daisy
  6. A Holocaust
  7. Penelope
  8. Lines
  9. A Question
  10. Her Portrait
  11. Heaven and Hell
  12. A Dead Astronomer
  13. Ex Ore Infantium
  14. To Olivia
  15. Ode to the Setting Sun
  16. At Lord's
  17. A Corymbus for Autumn
  18. “Manus Animam Pinxit”
  19. Contemplation
  20. Love Declared
  21. Where Art Thou Come?
  22. The After Woman
  23. Chose Vue
  24. Go, Songs, for Ended Is Our Brief, Sweet Play
  25. By Reason of Thy Law
  26. Inscription
  27. The Way of a Maid
  28. My Lady the Tyranness
  29. A May Burden
  30. Beginning of End
  31. What Shall I Your True Love Tell
  32. Dedication to Wilfred and Alice Meynell
  33. The Poppy
  34. Ultimum
  35. New Year's Chimes
  36. A Girl's Sin - in Her Eyes
  37. Any Saint
  38. House of Bondage
  39. The Omen
  40. A Child's Kiss
  41. After-Strain
  42. Orient Ode
  43. Against Urania
  44. To Daisies
  45. July Fugitive
  46. An Arab Love-Song
  47. The End of It
  48. Grace of the Way
  49. To the Dead Cardinal of Westminster
  50. Before Her Portrait in Youth
  51. A Carrier Song
  52. Correlated Greatness
  53. To a Child
  54. Nocturn
  55. Poet and Anchorite
  56. A Judgment in Heaven
  57. To Monica Thought Dying
  58. Dream-Tryst
  59. The Dread of Height
  60. To a Poet Breaking Silence
  61. To the Sinking Sun
  62. A Foretelling of the Child's Husband
  63. A Fallen Yew
  64. St. Monica
  65. Unto This Last
  66. After Her Going
  67. Scala Jacobi Portaque Eburnea
  68. Epilogue to the Poet's Sitter
  69. The Mirage
  70. Buona Notte
  71. Dedication to Coventry Patmore
  72. The Making of Viola
  73. To My Godchild, Francis M.W.M.
  74. To a Child Heard Repeating Her Mother's Verses
  75. The Child-Woman
  76. Gilded Gold

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