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Francis Thompson (Фрэнсис Томпсон)

Where Art Thou Come?

'Friend, where to art thou come?' Thus Verity;
Of each that to the world's sad Olivet
Comes with no multitude, but alone by night,
Lit with the one torch of his lifted soul,
Seeking her that he may lay hands on her;
Thus: and waits answer from the mouth of deed.
Truth is a maid, whom men woo diversely;
This, as a spouse; that, as a light-o'-love,
To know, and having known, to make his brag.
But woe to him that takes the immortal kiss,
And not estates her in his housing life,
Mother of all his seed! So he betrays,
Not Truth, the unbetrayable, but himself:
And with his kiss's rated traitor-craft,
The Haceldama of a plot of days
He buys, to consummate his Judasry
Therein with Judas' guerdon of despair. 

Francis Thompson's other poems:
  1. Gilded Gold
  2. The Child-Woman
  3. To a Child Heard Repeating Her Mother's Verses
  4. Dedication to Coventry Patmore
  5. The Making of Viola

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