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Оливер Уэнделл Холмс (Oliver Wendell Holmes) (1809-1894)
Oliver Wendell Holmes (Оливер Уэнделл Холмс)

Рейтинг популярности стихотворений поэта на сайте Английская поэзия
  1. Последний листThe Last Leaf
  2. Ах, соседка-наседка, ты, правоThe Reverend Henry Beecher
  3. БезгласныеThe Voiceless
  4. Кубок для пуншаOn Lending a Punch-Bowl
  5. The Chambered Nautilus
  6. Lines
  7. A Song
  8. Evening
  9. A Rhymed Lesson (Urania)
  10. My Aunt
  11. Song (THE stars their early vigils keep)
  12. Old Ironsides
  13. To the Portrait of “A Lady” in the Athenaeum Gallery
  14. To Governor Swain
  15. The Bells
  16. The Two Armies
  17. The Height of the Ridiculous
  18. An After-Dinner Poem
  19. A Poem for the Meeting of the American Medical Association at New York, May 5, 1853
  20. Verses for After-Dinner Phi Beta Kappa Society, 1844
  21. The Flower of Liberty
  22. God Save the Flag
  23. The Dilemma
  24. A Sentiment (THE pledge of Friendship! it is still divine)
  25. The Treadmill Song
  26. The Steamboat
  27. My Aviary
  28. Sun and Shadow
  29. The Music-Grinders
  30. Rip Van Winkle, M. D.
  31. Reflections of a Proud Pedestrian
  32. Contentment
  33. The Stethoscope Song
  34. The Island Hunting-Song
  35. The Comet
  36. A Farewell to Agassiz
  37. The Only Daughter
  38. The Dorchester Giant
  39. Lexington
  40. A Sentiment (A TRIPLE health to Friendship, Science, Art,)
  41. The Cambridge Churchyard
  42. The Two Streams
  43. The Moral Bully
  44. A Modest Request
  45. Nux Postcoenatica
  46. The Study
  47. The Pilgrim's Vision
  48. Under the Violets
  49. To an Insect
  50. The Parting Word
  51. A Song of Other Days
  52. Song (A HEALTH to dear woman! She bids us untwine)
  53. Non-Resistance
  54. The September Gale
  55. The Last Reader
  56. Departed Days
  57. Daily Trials

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