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Джон Драйден (John Dryden) (1631-1700)
Джон Драйден (John Dryden)

Рейтинг популярности стихотворений поэта на сайте Английская поэзия
  1. Пиршество Александра, или Сила гармонииAlexander's Feast; or, the Power of Music
  2. Dreams
  3. Эпитафия женеAn Epigram-Epitaph for His Wife
  4. Absalom and Achitophel
  5. Farewell Ungrateful Traitor
  6. One Happy Moment
  7. Ah, How Sweet It Is to Love!
  8. An Epilogue
  9. Hidden Flame
  10. On the Death of a Very Young Gentleman
  11. The Medal
  12. Happy the Man
  13. Can Life Be a Blessing
  14. A Song for St. Cecilia's Day
  15. Mankind
  16. Life a Cheat
  17. The Wife of Bath Her Tale
  18. The Fair Stranger. A Song
  19. Satire on the Dutch
  20. A Song to a Fair Young Lady Going out of Town in the Spring
  21. Marriage A-La-Mode
  22. An Ode, On the Death of Mr. Henry Purcell
  23. Veni, Creator Spiritus
  24. O Souls, In Whom No Heavenly Fire
  25. Calm Was The Even, And Clear Was The Sky
  26. Epitaph on the Lady Whitmore
  27. To the Memory of Mr. Oldham
  28. Song from an Evening's Love
  29. To Mr. Granville, on his excellent Tragedy, called Heroick Love
  30. Tarquin and Tullia
  31. Upon the Death of Lord Hastings
  32. A Prologue
  33. On the Monument of the Marquis of Winchester
  34. Troilus and Cressida
  35. Song from Amphitryon
  36. To John Hoddesdon, on his Divine Epigrams
  37. You Charm'd Me Not With That Fair Face
  38. Upon the Death of the Viscount of Dundee
  39. The Beautiful Lady of the May
  40. The Tears of Amynta for the Death of Damon
  41. Roundelay
  42. To the Lady Castlemaine, upon Her incouraging his first Play
  43. A Letter to Sir George Etherege
  44. Hymn For St. John's Eve, 29th June
  45. A Song (High State and Honours to others impart)
  46. Epilogue to Henry II
  47. Epitaph on Sir Palmes Fairborne's Tomb in Westminster Abbey
  48. Suum Cuique
  49. Upon Young Mr. Rogers, of Gloucestershire
  50. On Mrs. Margaret Paston, of Barningham, in Norfolk
  51. Te Deum
  52. Epitaph on a Nephew in Catworth Church, Huntingdonshire

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