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Helen Hunt Jackson (Хелен Хант Джексон)


IN what a strange bewilderment do we
Awake each morn from out the brief night's sleep.
Our struggling consciousness doth grope and creep
Its slow way back, as if it could not free
Itself from bonds unseen. Then Memory,
Like sudden light, outflashes from its deep
The joy or grief which it had last to keep
For us; and by the joy or grief we see
The new day dawneth like the yesterday;
We are unchanged; our life the same we knew
Before. I wonder if this is the way
We wake from death's short sleep, to struggle through
A brief bewilderment, and in dismay
Behold our life unto our old life true. 

Helen Hunt Jackson's other poems:
  1. Best
  2. Poppies on the Wheat
  3. The End of Harvest
  4. Songs of Battle
  5. A Calendar of Sonnets. June

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