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Рейтинг поэтовРейтинг стихотворений

Helen Hunt Jackson (Хелен Хант Джексон)

The End of Harvest

'O Love, who walkest slow among my sheaves,
Smiling at tint and shape, thy smile of peace,
But whispering of the next sweet year's increase,-
O tender Love, thy loving hope but grieves
My heart! I rue my harvest, if it leaves
Thee vainly waiting after harvests cease,
Like one who has been mocked by title lease
To barren fields.

Dear one, my word deceives
Thee never. Hearts one summer have. Their grain
'Is sown not that which shall be!'

Can new pain
Teach me of pain? Or any ecstasy
Be new, that I should speak its name again?
My darling, all there was or is of me
Is harvested for thine Eternity!

Helen Hunt Jackson's other poems:
  1. Best
  2. Poppies on the Wheat
  3. Morn
  4. Songs of Battle
  5. A Calendar of Sonnets. June

Poems of another poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Thomas Tusser (Томас Тассер) The End of Harvest ("Come home, lord, singing")

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